Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I would have to say it here:

Bizarre things happen to me.

Okay, first I have to blame Maxis for recycling phone numbers.

I mean, what the heck. I was just calling an alternate number, I wouldn't expect the phone to be picked up by some other person.

"Salah nombor, sorry," I said.

Just my luck, the person on the other end of line turns out to be some persistent psycho who can't seem to grasp the fact that sometimes people do call the wrong number.

Usually I get pestered by people calling over and over again to ask for some other unknown person and just don't get it that they are calling the wrong number.

This time, the other person kept calling, pestering me as to who am I. Come on, I'm not going to explain myself to some stranger.

And the person was relentless! Even up till the next morning she called to demand an explanation! Like wtf, it was just a wrong number, get over it. And calling me early in the morning when I'm asleep for something as idiotic as this is not going to garner a very nice respond from me. I even had problems understanding what she was saying, so I just said "Yea, salah nombor, bye." and hung up.

Then I got a text from the psycho in Malay and in abbreviations which I don't get (isn't that annoying? I get annoyed when people abbreviate words in texts and their abbreviations make no sense) which I think the gist of it was to reprimand me for being "rude".

What the.

Why do I attract the weirdest people?

Gah. Stupid Tuesday.

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