Monday, January 25, 2010

The Self-Elucidation

Because answering random questions honestly about oneself helps with self-discovery and understanding.

Also because I made a conscious agreement with myself and am determined to deliver. Cryptic, I know. It's just some battles with the inner-procrastinator -demons.

I got this off Kum's FB Note by the way. I just had an urge to deplore myself.

Here goes nothing:

Can you fill this out without lying?
Yes. Self-deploratory rules said so.

What was the last thing you put in your mouth?

Have you ever kissed anyone named Matthew?
No. I don't know that many Matthews. Come to think of it, I don't know any Matthews personally.

Where was your profile picture taken?
That nice field in front of the Concert Gebouw in Amsterdam. The one spot where we went camwhore-crazy.

Name someone that made you laugh today?
I haven't exactly spoken to anyone today. Wow. That is possible. LOL. Oh look, I made me laugh.

How late did you stay up last night and why?
3am. I came back late and got caught up with some reading. And oh yea, watching Glee.

If you could move somewhere else, would you?
Yes. I am half-sick of being here now. Europe would be good, but then it's always the 'greener grass other side' syndrome.

Ever been kissed under fireworks?
Yes. Happy 2007, I think.

Which of your friends live closest to you?
Bibi, Fera, Jesper - 3 mins walk away, Vanny - 3 streets down, Jim - 3 mins run away, and Mei - 2 streets back. Pretty close-by seeing as we're all in the same housing area.

Do you believe ex's can be friends?
I want to believe that, but personally, I don't think so. It's hard.

When was the last time you cried really hard?
I can't remember but it should be quite a while back, at least 2 years ago. I haven't found much stuff to cry over since I throw tantrums when I'm stressed and not burst into tears.

Where are you right now?
In my room.

What bed did you sleep in last night?
My own bed. Mattress courtesy of some effortless thievery.

What was the last thing someone bought for you?
Michael Crichton's State of Fear -- a very advanced birthday present from Francoise.

Who took your profile picture?
Lawson did. Amazing pic, thanks :)

Who was the last person you took a picture of?
Somebody during SUNRED 2010 last Saturday. I'm not sure who it was tho.

Was yesterday better than today?
Perhaps, seeing as yesterday was SUNDAY.

Are you mad about anything?
Yes. It has something to do with my workload progress (or lack of it) and my discipline (or lack of it).

Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?
I think I'm too young at this point to be too much of a skeptic, so it's a loud resounding YES (and hoping really hard that I'm right).

Are you a bad influence?
No. Controlling parents actually think I'm 'safe-company' for their offsprings. Go figure.

Night out or night in?
Typically night-in. But I wouldn't say no to an occasional night-out.

What items could you not go without during the day?
Cellphone. And the trusty laptop.

What does the last text message in your inbox say?
Dad said: A happy family is but an earlier heaven.

How do you feel about your life right now?
Honestly, it could be better, but I'm not complaining. It's just mundane. I would absolutely appreciate some excitement.

Do you hate anyone?
I think I do.

Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass?
Hands-down, no prob.

Has anyone ever called you perfect before?
I highly doubt it. I don't know that many deluded people.

What song is stuck in your head?
Journey's Don't Stop Believin' -- the one done by the Glee cast.

Someone knocks on your window at 2am, who do you want it to be?
My room's on the first floor, so if anyone were to knock on my window at that time I would be very-freaked-out.

Wanna have grandkids before you’re 50?
No. Also, logically, I think that cannot happen.

Ever yours,

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Orang Utan STAYS

Because I said so.


So the latest news (well, not that new but not too long ago either) was that the PM requested for some orang utan to be sent to Peninsular Malaysia to promote eco-tourism.

The STAR 20 Jan 2010: Sabah against relocating orang utan

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah is not keen to relocate any orang utan to Peninsular Malaysia for eco-tourism purposes.

State Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun said not only is it dangerous to remove the sensitive primates from their natural habitat but the local people were against such a move to send the state’s icon away.

He said this when commenting on a statement by Deputy Tourism Minister Datuk James Dawos Mamit, who said they would obtain orang utan from Sabah and Sarawak to set up an eco-tourism attraction similar to the Sepilok orang utan sanctuary in Sandakan and the Semenggoh Wildlife Centre in Kuching.

Mamit had told reporters in Kuching on Sunday that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had requested for some orang utan to be sent to Peninsular Malaysia to promote eco-tourism.

Masidi said yesterday orang utan were not like some other animals that could be easily relocated from their habitat. He said any relocation could be traumatising enough to cause their death.

He said relocating an orang utan involved a lot of technicalities and planning.

“The orang utan should stay where they are. Those who want to see orang utan will have to come to Sabah to see them,” Masidi said adding that there had been no official request made to the state government for the primate.

Thank you, Datuk Masidi. At least, a voice of reason.

And I am embarassed, yet again, to be from the Peninsular. What kind of moronic idea is that? It's like saying "Hey, let's clear *insert a town in West Malaysia* , turn it into a savannah, and bring in some lions, giraffes, and zebras. You don't have to go to Africa, you can just visit *previously inserted town* !"

Might as well move Mount Kinabalu while they're at it.

One doesn't even have to go as far as to contemplate the economical and social implications. The account of the orang utan welfare alone is enough to know that this is stupid.

They should just go ahead and say they want to relocate all the native animals of all the countries in the world so that everyone will visit Peninsular Malaysia for eco-tourism and nowhere else.

VERY against the relocation of orangutans,

Thursday, January 14, 2010


As always, because I like to share cool stuff.

Here's one for all the couch potatoes out there who really want to stick to the resolutions and get some calories burned, but just can't find the drive to do it: The Couch to 5K program.

I'm now in my 7th week of the 10K regime, however I realised that the regime is geared towards exactly 10 weeks to Run Day and since I'm not participating in any 10K soon, I thought I'd just repeat the 5th week plan (but it's getting boring).

So I found a new regime for the mean time and thought I'd try it out.

All you need is a pair of running shoes and a mp3 player -- things I never go without when I run.

And download the podcasts from HERE

Basically it spares you the time of creating playlist of power songs (although that is quite fun) and the hassle of timing yourself. All you have to do is play the respective podcast before you start and just listen to what Robert Ullrey tells you to do (run, walk, go on, you're doing great).

Google this running regime if you're interested to read more about it. All the best in sticking to the keeping fit resolution (I have a feeling most people have that in their list).

Happy running!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

That 'Banned' Word

In all honesty, that whole dispute on the 'A-word' (which I'm not allowed to use 'cos the Enactment said so) is ridiculous.

That said, I reckon I am miffed about the whole thing not because of faith issues, because, let's face it, I am kind of a skeptic when it comes to religion. Besides, I'm of neither faith, and I almost never use the word. So risking being disrespectful and vulgar, I'd say I couldn't care less if both parties want to fight over it.

But then the 'exclusivity' issue. Bringing in "The Enactment". In the first place, why is an issue like this in the Enactment, which was created more than 20 years ago, only a dispute in recent years? It's like fighting with a neighbouring country about who came up with the idea to cook rice with coconut milk and then realising that 150 years ago, the native islanders of some pacific isle did it first because they got tired of cooking rice with seawater.

Stupid law. Stupid dispute. Stupid people making so much stupid noise and riot over it.

The news here

What's even more silly (sillier?) was that in the news regarding the 1988 non-Muslim Enactment prohibiting non-Muslims from using the 'A-word' is closely followed by, in the same page mind you, news regarding some local 'pop princess' and her RM40,000 Louis Vuitton handbag for her 31st birthday, in addition to other previous luxurious gifts (and their price tags).

Either the news is nuts or this is some subtle move to ignite the anger of "revolutionary radicals" to perhaps hurl molotov cocktails at the upper crust. Whichever, the news nowadays is really trash.

Thank goodness for free news online,

Friday, January 8, 2010


To my dear country,

Congratulations yet again for making worldwide headlines on such embarassing matters.

If you yearn to pick fights about "your claim of rights", try sticking to arguing with a neighbouring country about the founder of nasi lemak and rendang daging.

At least that is on par with the level of mentality and ridicule.

Am I embarass to see all this? Am I furious? Yes I am.

And I am almost an atheist.

p/s: To all international readers (if any), please note that just because there are stupid Malaysians in the headlines, that does not mean all Malaysians are stupid.

Yours sincerely,

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Countdown

Disclamier: I am not a Party Girl.

That said, let us usher in a new decade of the 21st century!

Typically for New Year's, my celebratory ways were pretty much on the quiet side. 'Cos I don't like crowds. And traffic jams. D'oh. But yea, whatever you's only one of the few times to meet up with people you don't see a lot throughout the year, so hey, why not go out and be squished for 2010?

Besides, I got to see the transformation of KK Times Square from a very mundane (almost dead) block of buildings to this really happening place. I was surprised.

It was kinda like, last party of 2009, first party scene of 2010. They caged off the place sorta like at The Curve. We snuck in with our friends' ingenuity and strategic moves.

In other words, it was full and they wouldn't let us enter even if we wanted to pay.

Partied from the outside... the inside


HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!