Monday, January 24, 2011

Answering Questions

I am going Home today! And the festive season is coming, time with loved ones, family and friends. It's going to be awesome.

One last post before I go off on my partial break :) Came across this post by the Monyet King and couldn't resist answering the questions. For a change, they're not a bunch of questions asking me about myself.

1. If we (Malaysia) had an extra RM 100 million to spend on scientific research – on which of the following areas should we spend it on ? (a) space (b) biodiversity (c) history (d) robotics (e) medicine
Either (b), (d), or (e). I'm weighing in on (b) -- improve on the wonders you readily have. Stop copying what others are doing and end up wasting a bunch of money on half-hearted, hangat-hangat tahi ayam attempts.

2. Is there intelligent life outside our solar system ? We already know that there is no intelligent life on our planet.
There very well might be seeing as the universe doesn't only revolve around us.

3. Before Parameswara came to Melaka, what were the people there (Melaka) doing ? Who were they ? What’s their story ? Surely, there is so much history prior to Parameswara but not highlighted in our history books.
The indigenous people were most probably going on their own business before this dude turned up, fell asleep under some tree, saw a mousedeer kick a dog, and decided to proclaim himself King (or so the story goes). But if that didn't happen, we wouldn't have what we have now. Perhaps something better. Or worse. Will never know.

4. If the tiger goes extinct (which it may), what animal should take its place on the national coat-of-arms ? Kambing?
The Sea Turtle. Oh wait, that may also go extinct. 
The Orang Utan. Wait...also high risked. 
Burung merpati.

5. Ibrahim Ali is a moron. True or Correct ?
Erm. *lalala*

6. To improve national unity, we should get rid of all educational institutions that cater for just one race - Tamil schools, Chinese schools, MCKK, Universiti Teknologi Mara, etc. Agree ?
Yes, especially when they prohibit/limit people of other races to enroll although academically and co-curricularly qualified.

7. Most (not all) of the world now accepts the Darwinian theory of evolution as the basis for origin of mankind. Even Vatican subscribes to this. The Earth was not created in 6 days neither did Adam and Eve appear suddenly in the Garden of Eden. How do you convince those who do not believe in evolution (most of them also believe that the earth is flat) ?
By setting all of them adrift on a boat. When they finally realise that they are not going to sail off the edge of the earth, they might be a little bit more smarter by then. If not, most probably they wouldn't survive the journey and they'll just die ignorant.

8. The history syllabus in our national school focuses too much on Malaysian history and not enough on world history. When I was in school, I learnt a lot of world history and I think I am better off because of that. Is it time to change the syllabus ?
Yes. And not only that, they really have to look into how the subject is being taught. Sejarah is one of the worst, most torturous subject ever to study for and forced on for exams.

9. Pisang goreng tastes best when eaten at 5 pm with a big glass of teh tarik. True or false ?
4.15pm with a mug of green tea. To each their own :) (5pm is time to get stuck in traffic jams)

10. Public transport (bus and train) should be free. By providing good and free public transport, the nation can save so much money that would have to be used to build roads and subside fuel as well as gain from the increase in productivity. Setuju tak ?
Hampir setuju. Not only free but the whole system should be improved upon: punctuality, safety, etc. If the public transportation system is flawless, fuel doesn't really need to be subsidised and this will reduce selfish consumption, leading to *fingers crossed* a cleaner country. However with fuel price hikes, every single blardy thing has an excuse to be more expensive. Including milo ping.

11. The primary sector (agriculture, logging, mining, etc) has the greatest impact on the environment per ringgit generated to the economy. The secondary sector (manufacturing, etc) has lesser impact per ringgit generated while the services sector has the least environemntal impact per ringgit generated. Thus, pushing the country's economy towards the tertiary sector (services) is the best way to improve the quality of our environment and protect our forests and wildlife. What do you think ?
Would agree although not entirely based on the reasons stated. The lack of the primary sector would mean an increase of import of raw materials which may set a whole different turn of events into motion. However with how things are being carried out at present, that concern might not be viable.

12. Although human beings are numerous, have advanced technology and weaponry, it is the monyets that rule the Planet. True or Correct ?
The best of leaders can control the world without their subjects know that they are being controlled :)

p/s: do I get at least a few pisang rastali? can they be substituted with pisang berangan?

Morning brain juice :) Cheers all, have an awesome week!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Do you know the names of your teeth? The permanent set.

Let's begin:

First, we have the central incisors. For some, the top central incisors are the 'rabbit teeth'.
Next, we have the lateral incisors.
Followed by the canines -- the 'vampire teeth'. I chipped my top left one right after I had the permanent it doesn't draw blood anymore.
After that we have the first and second premolars. I broke my bottom left second premolar the same time I chipped the canine. (Such a walking disaster.)
Then comes the 'big teeth': the molars -- first, second, and the occasional third "wisdom teeth". The teeth that wrecks havoc to so many people. Me for instance, my bottom jaw is not that big to accommodate all of them but they're forcing themselves out partially, which is so tiresome. And make my bottom central incisors to look like Christina Perri's:

Christina Perri in Jar of Hearts

Well, you know. At least I'm not the only one with teeth problems :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Kids these days...

I quite like that phrase. Although it sometimes makes me feel old saying it, I like that the "..." part is filled with endless possibilities. Good stuff, bad stuff, head-shaking stuff.

I love working with kids. Not only are they adorable, but I like that they are full of surprises. Sometimes they just come up with things that you'll never think of. However, of late (i.e. the last time I worked with kids) I find that there are times that I am disappointed with how kids are now and I tend to compare them with how my childhood was like.

Back then, my friends and I never had mobile phones, many of us didn't have handheld videogames, we didn't have "tuitions" (unless those extra-curricular stuff like art and music classes, or some kind of sport), we spent most of our evenings running around the neigbourhood or playing in the front/back yards. I used to catch bugs in small plastic bottles and collect tadpoles from drains.

When I worked with 8-11 year olds two years back, sometimes it just gets exasperating. They don't know stuff, they don't want to learn new stuff, the easiest way to keep them in place is to leave them with their handheld games. They're rude, to each other, to people who are older than them. It makes you wonder: what is the new generation coming to? (I sometimes also wonder "What are their parents teaching them?")

And sometimes I pity them. They spend half their day in school, and then in addition to that they are made to attend after-school classes, and on top of that they have tuition classes to go to. I know it is a lot more competitive in the academic world today, but still, isn't that robbing them of their childhood? It makes me sad.

If you watch Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, it makes you think even more about what kids know about stuff these days. Like, they don't even know how potatoes or tomatoes look like. They know burgers and fries though. Sad, really.

But then comes another reality show which has minimal drama and a whole lot of inspiration and hope: Junior MasterChef Australia. 8 to 12 year olds COOKING. With honest-to-goodness skills. Awesome talent. SO ADORABLE. OMG. Making things like souffle, duxelle,'s just amazing. Such a must-watch.

Like I said, kids...always full of surprises :) It really gives one Hope.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Tale of Abandonment: Finale

There's no Part 2. The poor thing went to kitty heaven last night :(

I was pretty devastated, of course. The many guides on the Internet actually gave me hope that I could keep the baby cat alive.

Oh well. Like someone told me (while I was crying on the phone, goodness..), at least it didn't die a painful and agonising death -- bitten/eaten alive by carnivorous ants, or drowning, etc. It had warm milk three times, a nice box with rags, so I hope when it died it felt pretty comfortable.

This is just so sad.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Tale of Abandonment: Part 1

Meet the poor thing, which spent almost half the night in the wet cold drain, abandoned by its mother right after it was born. It was mewing so pitifully, calling out "Mommy...mommy...don't leave me here." Gah. It was such a heartbreaking sound. But we didn't dare touch it, for fear if once our scents get onto it, its mother will abandon it for real.

I finally picked it up with some rags and put it in an empty tissue box. So that at least it's not that cold and wet.

Its mother didn't come. It's been more than twelve hours. A definite case of abandonment. The ants came. Those evil carnivorous ones. When I found it this morning there were a few of the ants biting the poor thing. They were attracted by the bloody thing which was attached to the poor thing by its umbilical cord.

I got rid of the ants, tied the cord and cut it; and decided to try giving it a chance to live. It's still called the poor thing because naming it would just make me more attached to it. If it survives, I'll name it Thing.

Now the poor thing is (I hope) warm and clean. I got it to consume a little bit of warm milk and got it to pee. Later when we have obtained syringes, I could feed it again.

*sigh* The poor thing.

*fingers crossed*

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011

It's a new year! So good wishes and all that.

New hope.
New excitement.

The older one gets, the less public rants should be up. I apologise for the previous post. No resolutions this year, just an overall determination to make this year even better than the last.

Happy New Year!