Friday, May 15, 2009

the hunt for flip-flops

It's finally that time again!

LiYing needs a new pair of flip-flops as the trusty black pair she is wearing now are wearing out. I need to get another pair before I risk slipping and falling in the old ones (oh wait, that has already happened..)

As usual, I'm eyeing Ipanemas as they are really comfy. Unfortunately, they are getting rather pricey nowadays compared to a couple of years ago. Was comtemplating of getting a pair of orange with gold straps Giselle Bundchen ones...or well, I'll see what else is good.

Sometimes all the colours and designs are really tempting, but at the end of the day, a simple black pair works the best.

I didn't know they're machine-washable though. Now that's interesting... :)


  1. yeah, ipanema's slippers are all comfy and pretty too. =)
    but like u said, some of it are quite pricey :(

  2. tot when u always go river places, get a croc or something. realy good for adventure wet or dry

  3. pls put a chatbox outside for convenience. many times i want to comment put lazy cos there is no chatbox. boo

  4. lazy la to put chatbox...later la :) crocs are so freaking ugly..besides, i already hav my field-shoes so i don't need those
