Thursday, December 16, 2010

'Tis The Season For Giving

...and receiving gifts :)

Sometimes, I think that with the creation of e-mails, instant messaging services, and the likes of that, we miss out on the good old-fashion post. I'm not complaining...who isn't grateful for e-mail on the days when you need to get a document to someone, on some other side of the world a.s.a.p.? And the next best thing you can do with someone really far away is to IM them, because that is almost like being there together.

However, the post. Ah, the good ol' post. Of the days when I used to have pen-pals and we would mail each other letters documenting our so-called interesting lives, photos, and small gifts. I know the Post Office has rules regarding how a standard letter should be like, but I remember how we used to make envelopes out of posters from magazines. And the sneaky ways of saving up on stamps (by applying a layer of glue on top of the affixed stamps...they can be reused by the other party after soaking the stamps in water and drying them).

But the best of it all is the feeling you get when you check the mail box and find something in it addressed to you :)

I got a gift via courier today...which was totally absolutely awesome! (thank You!)

- ♥ -

Speaking about gifts, I got this really cool X'mas gift from Francoise (thank you!):

Introducing the Envirosax! Hello Mikado #3 :)

The Envirosax is "the original designer reusable bag", so now not only can I go around being green, declining plastic bags while shopping like I always do, I can do that with style (and join the ranks of celebs using it pfft) THANK YOU FRANCOISE!

Oh, and I saw a woodpecker today. In the tree outside my room...the tree which somehow has its roots wired to some temperate system. It decided to go all bare because it's winter up in the northern hemisphere.


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