Before anything, I realised I didn't post an update for the previous entry which is supposed to say SPAIN WON THE WORLD CUP *world-domination-triumphant-laughter* And, of course, I won my bet. Unfortunately, again, it's not, pfft..
Right. Title check.
The other day, a friend asked me if there were anything of the past that I have regretted. When I thought about it, I could quote Frank Sinatra's "Regrets, I've had a few...". Who doesn't, right? I guess it's simply a matter of learning from the regrets and move on. Let bygones be bygones, live and let live, all that cliché.
One of the most common regrets I sometimes have is when I'm bored with my work. The "I should have just gone back and did something else..." and the "What the heck am I doing?" thoughts. But those come and go so fast, they don't really bother me.
I think one of my regrets was that some things in the past ended on a sour note. Ugly crap. And since I'm tired of being the one who is always so forgiving (read doormat) I just thought "Screw all" and severed all ties. Sometimes I do think about it, like, was it actually worth it? "What if the same thing happened in a different way? A less ugly way?" I wouldn't know. But after so long, you know, whatever.
Maybe the answer all these while was: Yes, it really wasn't worth it.
So. Screw All.
Monday's musings.
Tomorrow shall be Tuesday's thoughts (duh).
"We seldom regret the things we do in life, only the things we don’t do."