Thursday, August 12, 2010

What's In The News?

Nothing, apparently.

As 'promised' in the previous entry that an 'inspired' entry might come forth, I thought I'd get it done and out of the way.

So yea, news. Or the lack thereof nowadays. Like seriously. I mean, it could be that nothing interesting is happening in the nation for perhaps certain days, but for stretches? It's so blatantly odd that conspiracy theorists are hyped.

Last I remembered of stuff I saw on the news:
- some lady who used to work in the bank, lost a bunch of weight, is happy she lost a bunch of weight, and became a porn actress
- mat rempits have evolved to four-wheelers and the police can't fine their 'illegally modified cars' if they stop by the road before a police roadblock. If the car's not moving it cannot be fined
- some Malaysian cinapek is hanging out with Paris Hilton


Okay. Those were actually in the news days's been niggling at my mind but I was too busylazy to blog about it.

And then of course, Justin Bieber was crowned with a bottle (that was awesome...the thrower had really awesome aim) and that he is writing his memoirs. The latter is just ridiculous. Firstly, he is like what, 10? (yes, I know he is 16) Unless he had been abducted and forced into a guerilla army when he was 5, fought in it for 7 years, somehow managed to escape death and his captors at 14, and two years later finally found safe haven and freedom in some foreign country, that might be worth a space on the bookshelves.

Apart from anything similar to that, someone should tell him that putting that stupid rap about buying some club and turning it into Chuck E. Cheese in print does not count as a 'memoir'. Maybe he'll draw a picture of a giraffe with crayons in his 'memoirs'. Who knows.

What is the world coming to?

Oh yea, this just in: The Sultan of Brunei has 604 Rolls Royces, 382 Bentleys, and 21 Lamborghinis.


I'm sorry, the news didn't say anything about him selling off half of them cars and donating the money to some charity.

Really, what is the world coming to?

* * *

My γιαούρτι με μέλι and I wishes everyone a good day!

See, isn't pretty food waaaay more inspiring that silly news?

On a completely different note: 1 more week!


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