Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I found this old thing I wrote down several years ago, and I thought it was a very good insight and still applicable although I may have changed and stuff.

The Nomads of Life

I had an insight the other day. You know, what with people around me are leaving and things are all coming to an end.

I reckon that Life is always nomadic. Even if you stay put in the same place, you still pack up and move to another new PHASE of Life. In a way, we are not much different from our nomadic ancestors. Evolution just changes the context of being a nomad. It can be the need to adapt to a new place, or meeting new people, or having to face new challenges.

Just that, sometimes, I wish there is something familiar to fall back on at the end of the day.

I also reckon one of the hardest things to do is to hold in the tears and smile while watching someone step into the departure area.

~ May 01, 2008

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Surrealism is a cultural movement that began in the early 1920s, and is best known for the visual artworks and writings of the group members.

Salvador Dali's The Persistence of Memory (1931)

That aside, I am experiencing some indescribable feelings. It's not something bad... it's just surreal. It's like a bunch of anticipation plus a dash of anxiety. Did I say anxiety? I meant nervousness. Apprehension.

Right. I admit. I have pretty low expectations of people in general. Perhaps it is some kind of defence mechanism, but I seriously don't take people's word for whatever it is they say they will do. Better to not expect than to be disappointed, right? Sorry, maybe I've just come across one too many dumb@$$e$ along the way.

So yea. When somebody keeps their word about things you absolutely did not believe they will's called a pleasant surprise.

And it's all very, very surreal.

Thank you very much for being the odd one out. Knowing that there are special beings who still keep their word keeps the hope alive.

I overkill word usage.

~ omg. countdown has reached Day 0!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


So today someone posed a question: When two jobs are offered, one with 'Good Salary' and another one with better 'Career Development', which one would you pick?

Off the top of my head, I would pick the latter seeing as I still find myself on the learning end of things. I don't know about most people, but to me, learning and experience count a lot and the thought of an indirect self-development sounds more fulfilling in the long run.

However, who can ever argue with more money? It is so hard to survive as it is these days with 'minimum wage'. The higher the income, the easier life gets, no?

It is a tough decision, and as always, right at that moment when you have to choose which path to take, you fear that you would be making the wrong decision and regret it for life. And that the similar opportunity will never again present itself.


Most probably the same, exact opportunity will never come again. On the other hand, sometimes, better stuff actually do come your way. Or just different stuff, which if you had chosen differently in the first point, you would never come across.

I guess Life really is always a gamble. It just depends on how much risk you are willing to take. At the end of the day, when you come to questions like this, perhaps you can just ask yourself "What is it that I REALLY want?" and make your decisions based on that.

As you grow, you change; and as you change, your wants change along with you: with your past-experiences, your past-decisions, your level of maturity, your way of thinking.

There is this saying that goes, "Some say opportunity knocks only once. That is not true. Opportunity knocks all the time but you have to be ready for it."

I concur.

An anecdote:

A couple of years ago when I began my graduate studies, I was offered a tempting deal to yet further my education with a lucrative scholarship and prestigious affliations. At that point of time it was really tempting, but as luck would have it, it turned out that I was a tad unqualified for it (they wanted someone to do PhD, I only have my BSc). I wasn't too bummed but the thought of "Darn it, wasted!" did cross my mind.

Recently, I was yet again offered another similar deal. So here disproves the point that "opportunity only knocks once". And this time, I could consider it, seeing as I am almost at the end of my MSc. However, I declined.

Because, for one thing I know I am not ready (or should I say, not willing?) to sacrifice another 5 more years of my life STUDYING *groan*. And secondly, after these past two years, I have pretty much made up my mind that this is not what I want (on a lot of levels). I want something different.

So yes, I declined, irregardless of the "tempting bait" the big guns cast out. It was a bit hard to say "No", especially when people seem to think that you are so capable of succeeding in it.

Which is actually something else that I've always wondered. Why do other people always seem to have so much confidence in me than I do myself?

But yea, saying "No" gets easier with practice.

I digressed so much, I think I've lost my point.

Opportunities come and go. It pays to be more open-minded and not kick yourself too badly when you think you've foregone an opportunity. Life's too short for that.

* * *

I suck at making a point :P

*gasp* Less than 48 hours!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

What's In The News?

Nothing, apparently.

As 'promised' in the previous entry that an 'inspired' entry might come forth, I thought I'd get it done and out of the way.

So yea, news. Or the lack thereof nowadays. Like seriously. I mean, it could be that nothing interesting is happening in the nation for perhaps certain days, but for stretches? It's so blatantly odd that conspiracy theorists are hyped.

Last I remembered of stuff I saw on the news:
- some lady who used to work in the bank, lost a bunch of weight, is happy she lost a bunch of weight, and became a porn actress
- mat rempits have evolved to four-wheelers and the police can't fine their 'illegally modified cars' if they stop by the road before a police roadblock. If the car's not moving it cannot be fined
- some Malaysian cinapek is hanging out with Paris Hilton


Okay. Those were actually in the news days's been niggling at my mind but I was too busylazy to blog about it.

And then of course, Justin Bieber was crowned with a bottle (that was awesome...the thrower had really awesome aim) and that he is writing his memoirs. The latter is just ridiculous. Firstly, he is like what, 10? (yes, I know he is 16) Unless he had been abducted and forced into a guerilla army when he was 5, fought in it for 7 years, somehow managed to escape death and his captors at 14, and two years later finally found safe haven and freedom in some foreign country, that might be worth a space on the bookshelves.

Apart from anything similar to that, someone should tell him that putting that stupid rap about buying some club and turning it into Chuck E. Cheese in print does not count as a 'memoir'. Maybe he'll draw a picture of a giraffe with crayons in his 'memoirs'. Who knows.

What is the world coming to?

Oh yea, this just in: The Sultan of Brunei has 604 Rolls Royces, 382 Bentleys, and 21 Lamborghinis.


I'm sorry, the news didn't say anything about him selling off half of them cars and donating the money to some charity.

Really, what is the world coming to?

* * *

My γιαούρτι με μέλι and I wishes everyone a good day!

See, isn't pretty food waaaay more inspiring that silly news?

On a completely different note: 1 more week!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Almost Greek Wednesday

Greek-inspired lunch:

Foreground: Greek salad (χωριάτικη σαλάτα) -- almost. I didn't have kalamata olives, so had to make do with them green ones, and no feta cheese (the white clumps are actually yogurt, pretending to be feta).

Background: Yiaourti me meli (γιαούρτι με μέλι)-- yogurt with honey. Mmmmm....yummers!

More 'inspiring' entries may come forth, although I don't know what is more inspiring that pretty food :)

About a week left *excited*