Friday, July 10, 2009


Because my blog has been so quiet for such a while that I thought I'd perk it up a bit with some randomness.

Firstly, Happy Birthday to Nikola Tesla! It's rather odd to be wishing that to a dead, albeit famous, man.

Did anyone realised that we celebrated 123456789 two days ago at 12:34:56 7/8/9?

They have yet again reverted the teaching of Maths and Science from English to Bahasa Melayu. BOO. Can't these people ever make up their minds?

Rupert Grint is recovering from a mild case of Swine Flu *gasp*
Btw, did anyone read the news about what those 'people up there' were debating and came to a conclusion about? "Yes, swine flu shall officially be called 'selesema babi' from this moment on.." wth...Is it even necessary? Like, aren't money, time, and effort supposed to be put into curbing the spread of the disease, or R&D for the cure, stuff like that? Come on...

In life you have to take all the good along with the matter how absurd it is. There was this saying: We would rather be ruined by praise, than be saved by criticism. True dat.

Anyhoo, have a great weekend y'all!

I traded in my old running shoes for a pair of new ones :)

Waiting for the jam to ease up,
Li Ying

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