Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thoughts of the moment

You know how it feels when you are waiting for something, like, for instance, at the moment I am waiting for a friend to pick me up and it is one of those 'anytime-now' moments. If I were to start reading or writing anything research-related, she will most probably be here before I could grasp the gist of what I am doing. However, by not doing anything, it feels exceptionally long, and the mind wanders.

Maybe that is what random blog posts are for -- to while away the small frame of time which you otherwise do not know what to do with.

For this, I shall type out all the random thoughts that came to mind for the past 30 minutes.

- I am going to be a witness at somebody's ROM. How random is that? And I haven't even practiced my signature!

- I realised the real reason why I totally severe connections with some people is because it is just too painful to have anything to do with them. Ever. It is like, if you don't take out the splinter, your wound isn't going to heal, is it?

- My dad sends me the best quotes at times.

Update: The entry ended abruptly this morning because (obviously) my ride came. Skimming on the surface of thoughts of the mo were that, but to further elaborate now I shall.

Initially when I was requested to be one of the two witnesses in someone's ROM, I just said "yes" and didn't think more into it. But later, I realised the significance of the role, albeit it wasn't a very difficult/full of responsibility one, but hey, my name and signature is officially on somebody's Marriage Certificate. It is not something which everyone has a chance of getting in life. It's like a small but important thing. Besides, I heard that sometimes people do argue over who is to be the witness. So this was incredibly cool.

It was also cool that the Registry of Marriages takes the whole thing really seriously (as aptly be) although technically, it is their day-to-day job. They actually have a nicely decorated room for the solemnisation ceremony and even have the advantage of printing out the married couple's names on a paper and putting it on a sign outside the room -- making you feel special on your special day.

And the best quote I got off the wall written with "Rules of a Happy Marriage" today? "Never scream at each other unless the house is on fire."

Cheers all,

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