Hey there y'all. What inspired you today? The sun, maybe? Or the storm?
I heard a very intriguing cacophony this morning. I'm guessing it's a frog sub-species' mating call. Sounded like a cross between a hyena and one of those wooden-frog-toys. I love those carved frogs.

Most of the time I do things for a better reason than just self-gain, but I have to admit, reminding myself that it is all for Berlin helps tremendously to push me to do stuff. It's a sorry excuse, but being sick really knocks one out of the cycle of things. All I wanted to do was sleep.
It's hard work getting there, and most probably I can't excuse myself to go back home end of this year (not with me leaving campus so many times already this year -- not for research), but I'm actually going to EUROPE!

I've also moved to a new place. Will put up pics of my new room if I'm ever in a narcissistic mood. If never, then let it just be said here that there's a tree outside my window. I really like that :)
Happy Merdeka Weekend,
Li Ying