So maybe most of you haven't realised it yet, from my previous posts, but I seriously SERIOUSLY have problems with people who are spewing all sorts of baseless statements regarding the apocalyptic 2012.
Firstly, I think all these people are selfish.
If just for a moment they stop thinking that the world only revolves around them, and realise that there are many people who are separated from their loved ones in different parts of the country and the world, working hard to make a better future for themselves, they should really shut up about the world ending soon.
Secondly, I think these people are ignorant.
I mean like seriously, they are harping about the world ending because some movie with super duper effects said so? In that case Los Angeles should probably be a wasteland by now with the amount of extraterrestrial attacks, extreme natural disasters, and I don't know, zombies? piled on that city in so many movies.
So. The winner for today is this stupid line circulating the Net:
"USA lost many lives on 9-11-01. Now, Japan lost more lives on 3-10-11. Add the 2 dates together to get 12-21-12."
I just cannot help it but to ridicule people who put this up. There are just so many things to put down:
1) There are roughly 196 countries in the world, not only two: the USA and Japan.
2) Please know that 9/11 was a terrorist attack. A terrorist attack is NOT a natural disaster.
3) What about 12-26-04 (Phuket tsunami), 5-18-08 (Sichuan earthquake), 1-12-10 (Haiti earthquake), 2-27-10 (Chile earthquake)? Just to name a few. If you add all the dates together, you get a bunch of numbers for your lottery. Winning the lottery is not guaranteed.
So come on, people. Stop it already with all these nonsense. You do know that when you put things like this up, it doesn't make you seem smart. Not at all.
If somehow at the end of it, the whole thing turned out to be true, and everyone died, no one's going to be left alive to reprimand me about this.
But in the meantime, stop panicking over really stupid things.